Industrial Design Renewal

An industrial design registration in Vietnam provide the owner exclusive rights to the commercial production, marketing and sale of your product for a maximum period of 15 years ( A registered industrial design is given an initial protection period of 5 years from the date of filing and is extended for two further consecutive terms of 5 years each. The maximum protection period is 15 years). Under Article 93.4 of the IP Law of Vietnam, an industrial design patent shall be valid from the grant date until the end of five (5) years after the filing date and may be renewed for two consecutive terms, each of five (5) years.
The required documents for renewal of Design Patent include:
  1. Original Power of Attorney which needs to be signed by the Design owner;
  2. Original Design Patent Certificate.
Please note that:
  1. It takes about 3-5 months for completing renewal of a Design Patent;
  2. Renewal fees can be paid in the duration of six months before the due date;
  3. Application for renewal of the Design registration can be late filed, but not later than 6 months from the expiry date of validity. In such a case, the Design Patent owner must pay a surcharge of renewal fee of 10% per delayed month.